
A five-week hybrid course and community for reducing overwhelm, fear, and stuckness and increasing presence, joy, and creativity.

🌻 Practical weekly lessons

🌻 Live calls + asynchronous community 🌻 Two 1:1 coaching calls 🌻  Multiple paths to “choose your own adventure”

Join me for a gently structured, virtual ☀︎SUMMER CAMP☀︎ **to help you slow down, connect inward, and be more intentional with your energy, attention, and focus so you can head into fall feeling grounded and fortified.


Discover what you are a disciple to

🪐 Create a little space

🪐 Choose an experiment

🪐 Head into autumn with more joy and equanimity


*a greater capacity to be with and respond to life *as is **

I slept and dreamt that life was joy

I awoke and saw that life was service

I acted and behold, service is joy.

—Rabindranath Tagore

Yes yes I’m ready: Click to register


Self Made Community Testimonials

<aside> 🙌🏽 I had no idea that a program like this - judgment free, genuine, authentic - could exist. I was welcomed with open arms and never felt like any of the conversations were prescriptive to what my practice should look like. It was my journey and I received nothing but the most caring and genuine support. -A.R.


<aside> 🙌🏽 The environment in SELF MADE is one of the most welcoming, encouraging and supportive spaces I've ever been a part of. I have been able to explore and grow parts of myself that were so deeply underdeveloped and neglected, thanks to the wisdom and example of the other participants, and Dani's guidance. I am forever grateful. -F.D.


<aside> 🙌🏽 Doing the work with SELF MADE was where I found acceptance, community, and inspiration thanks in large measure to the tone Dani sets as a facilitator. This program was where I learned I could truly and freely be myself without fear, and because of that it is a place where I can return time and again to my source, my big why, the grounding principles that support my life from its deepest roots. -B.A.


Weekly Lessons